Mullein, a medicinal herb
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How to Stay Healthy Naturally

How To Stay Healthy Naturally: Tips & tricks to kick germs to the curb using natural methods and things grown in your own garden. This is a post about healing, wellness, and empowerment. Many of you have asked for this post. I will show you in detail all the things I do to try and stay healthy naturally.

If you’re looking for more information on healing from chronic illness, check out the sister post for this article, How Can You Heal Yourself? My Journey To Wellness. As a reminder, I am not a doctor, and do not even play one on TV. These are just things that have worked for me. As always, consult your medical professional for medical advice.

Why Natural Health Is Important

It is undeniable that we are dealing with extreme amounts of illness right now, both chronic, and acute. While conventional medicine has its place, I have found such enormous benefit from natural medicines, that I haven’t bought anything conventional in years.

That being said, just to be clear, I am in no way any type of doctor or medical professional, I am just someone who has tried everything. Lots of you have asked about what I do to stay healthy, and also about my chronic illness. While I’ve shared bits and pieces, I’ve never shared everything, until today.

I’m excited to finally be able to share a link with everyone who asks, instead of going on and on, trying to remember all the things I do when I feel a germ coming on! This post serves as my go to guide for germ fighting!

Solstice sunset on a winter landscape
Winter, though beautiful, can be a time when sickness comes.

My Own Journey To Wellness

It’s important to share my backstory here, so you understand the journey it took for me to find all these healing tips. What I’m sharing here is not just some random list of things, it’s what I’ve discovered bit by bit from years of being sick.

As many of you know, I have spent much of my lifetime in illness. A lot of you have asked me  about it, and I know so many other people are currently living with illness. Hopefully this post answers these questions, and helps you stay healthy.

If you would like to learn how I have overcome chronic illness, check out this post where I go into all the details of my disease and healing.


My day job is a first grade teacher. I have spent nearly 20 years in elementary schools and been exposed to all kinds of germs! I remember when my kid was little in daycare, and my husband worked for the city. Between the three of us, someone was sick all the time. This, along with having a fragile immune system, unfortunately led to many days wasted on illness.

However, it has also led me to work tirelessly to find what works and what doesn’t when it comes to battling germs. I used to just go to the store and buy something. I was always surprised when they didn’t work. Then I was more surprised by how much they cost. And then even more surprised by their harmful side effects.

Woman with braids and a basket of freshly harvested cucumbers
Staying healthy is a full time job, but our gardens can help us so much!

Conventional Medicine Vs Natural Medicine

If conventional medicine is working for you, by all means, keep doing it! If it’s not, then this article will provide you with some good alternatives.

Most natural medicines have been around forever, which for me, is a sign that they work.

There are a few things to keep in mind when comparing these two schools of thought.

  1. Conventional Medicine is often about managing symptoms, meaning it is fine to take later on in your illness, but it is more like a band-aid, helping you feel better, but not addressing the root cause.
  2. Natural medicine is often focused on the root cause of your illness, meaning it will heal your symptoms instead of just masking them.
  3. Natural medicine is very time sensitive, the earlier your start your regimen, the better.

When To Take Natural Medicine

It’s important to start taking your natural medicines as soon as you possibly can, right when you start noticing symptoms. The best way to beat your illness is to stay on top of it, and nip it in the bud. Try keeping some of these things on hand both at home and at work, so you can take them at the first signs of trouble.

Two mugs of healing tea.
Tea can be so healing during cold and flu season.

How Will I Know If I Am Getting Sick? Tune Into Your Body

Our body is always giving us clues. Tune in and pay attention to them. Are you feeling a little tired or run down? Is there a soreness or a tickle in the back of your throat? Is your nose stuffy or starting to run? Are you feeling a little achy? Starting to cough? These are all signs your body is fighting a germ.

What Do I Do If I Am Starting To Feel Sick?

Because you never know when you might start to catch something, it is good to have your natural medicines on hand. Of course have your medicine cabinet at home, but also keep some at work, or in your purse or bag. Starting immediately when you start to feel sick is so important.

I want to emphasize that the best way to avoid illness is to be super proactive. I keep these things on hand so the moment I start to feel symptoms in my body, I can start working to get them out. 

If you wait too long, it’s harder to get out ahead of it.

Camomile flowers on a drying rack
In addition to helping with anxiety and sleep, Chamomile is great for fighting viruses and easy to grow at home.

What Can I Take When I Start Feeling Sick?

It has been a long road, but over the years, this is my go to routine for germ busting! I will also share some other things you can do for maintenance, especially from your garden, but this is my routine for getting rid of germs ASAP. It may seem like a lot, but you can pick and choose different things to try and start with.

I do all of these things at the first sign of sickness, and 9 times out of 10, kick it to the curb! This is no small thing for someone who used to catch every germ under the sun, one after the other!

Zinc Shock Therapy: This is a tool from Anthony William. Most of us are very deficient in zinc. This is a tool where you put the liquid zinc right on the back of your throat. I can actually feel it taking out the germs! It’s great for relieving sore throats, too.

*Note if you suffer from chronic illness, get your zinc levels checked as soon as you can. It can help so much. You can read more in this article.

Vitamin C Shock Therapy: Also from Anthony William, this tool gives you an instant boost of Vitamin C, something so many of us are lacking, which is so helpful for killing germs. I usually do lemon juice, but orange is recommended. I also use 5 capsules.

Sometimes I’ll add cayenne and ginger to this, too, for a wellness tonic that you can read about here. *Also, wonderful for chronic illness.

Goldenseal: This tastes horrible! But it is a miracle cure. I take this a few times throughout the day under my tongue, when I feel like I’m getting sick, and it works like magic. Try to get the glycerin instead of alcohol tincture. If you are able to grow Goldenseal where you live, you can make this tincture on your own, or buy the herb dry, and go from there.

Oregano is a great antiviral. Try eating it fresh, dried, or as a natural germ fighting tea.

Yin Chiao: My doctor recommended this years ago, and I’m sure to always have it on hand. This is a small pill used in Chinese medicine. It’s best to dissolve all throughout the day under your tongue, but if the taste is too much for you, you can just swallow it whole, like a regular pill, too.

Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa (Honey Loquat Cough Syrup): In contrast to conventional cough syrup, this one has many healing herbs so it is addressing both symptoms, and the root cause of many illnesses. Follow the box for dosage.

Golden Throat Lozenges Cough Drops: Similar to the cough syrup above, these not only ease sore throats, but also eliminate the sickness faster with medicinal herbs.

Oregano Oil: I put a few drops of this into a shot glass of water and gargle and swish it around my mouth in the morning and evening while I am fighting a germ. The oregano is excellent at germ busting and keeping you clean!

Acupressure Mats: These are great for stimulating energy flow in your body, removing stagnation, and helping your immune system. I lay on mine in the morning and evening in bed when I feel a germ coming on.

Essential Oils: My doctor recommended Thyme essential oil in the diffuser years ago to help keep sinuses clear, and I’ve been doing it ever since. She also recommends steaming it in the shower or bath. Thieves oil is great for this, too. I usually have it on while I’m sleeping.

Infrared Sauna: If you have access to this, or even better, can sit out in the sun, it will really help get the germs out!

Cupping: This is wonderful for boosting your immune system and getting rid of colds and flus. It breaks up stagnation and increases energy flow. Most acupuncturists and massage therapists offer this service. Massage and acupuncture are also both great things to get rid of illness faster.

Yoga: Look for specific routines with stretches & breath work that build your immune system. Gaia has some great ones.

Meditation: While quieting your mind is always helpful, if you are looking for a specific immune system meditation, check on youtube. There are tons for free. The pain visualization/hypnosis can be helpful, too. Use at your own discretion.

Get Outside! I know, I know, depending how sick you are this can be the last thing you want to do, and sometimes, you can’t. But I can’t even count how many times a winter walk in the forest has helped me fight off a cold.

While there are tons more things to do if you’re feeling sick, including elderberries, teas, vitamins, etc., I find for myself, these things are all I need in the acute beginning phase of illness. If I do these right away, I almost always avoid getting sick.

Bare trees in the Great Smoky Mountains
Winter Walk in The Great Smoky Mountains

How Long Should I Do These Things?

I usually keep doing it until I feel healthy again, sometimes a day or two longer, just to be sure. You don’t want to take too much, or more than you need, but you also want to keep ahead of it. If you stop, and symptoms come back, you can always start again.

Building A Natural Medicine Cabinet

Here are the things I like to keep on hand!

How Can I Use My Garden For Healing?

Herbs drying indoors
Garden herbs drying for winter.

Most of what you grow in your garden will be beneficial for your health in some way, whether it’s fruits, vegetables, or herbs. But herbs are the most common to use to fight colds and flus. Here are some that you may want to consider growing for medicinal purposes.

  • Oregano
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme
  • Elderberry
  • Sage
  • Lavender
  • Calendula
  • Chamomile
  • Bee Balm
  • Lemon Grass
  • Lemon Verbena
  • Lemon Balm
  • Parsley
  • Fennel
  • Anise
  • Lovage
  • Bay Leaf
  • Horseradish
  • Dill
  • Basil
  • Mullein

Depending on the herb, you can use it in cooking, fresh, as tea, or even just a sprig in water. You can also use glycerine to make tinctures. For more about growing herbs check out How To Harvest & Dry Your Own Herbs.

The herbs I tend to use the most to fight off winter illness are Oregano, Rosemary, and Thyme. I use them fresh, in cooking, in water, and as tea. To see an example, check out this post or the video below.


Making tea with fresh herbs is easy peasy. Drop your fresh herbs in the mug to taste (I use more cause I like it strong), let steep covered for 15 minutes, then remove the herbs, and enjoy. This one has oregano, rosemary, and thyme, for all their amazing medicinal properties. These cups are game changers. You can find them on the Resources page of my website,, link in bio.#urbanhomesteader #medicinalteas #herbalmedicines #rosemarytea

♬ Reflections on 52nd – Psyched on Sound
Making tea with fresh or dried herbs from your garden is a great way to stay healthy.

In Closing, How To Stay Healthy Naturally

To stay healthy naturally, I want to emphasize a few things here. First, I am by no means a medical professional, only someone who been sick and found a way out of it that works for me. Always consult your medical professional for medical advice.

Second, all bodies are different. You may need to try a few things to see what works best for you.

Third, the best way to avoid illness is to be super proactive. I keep these things on hand so the moment I start to feel symptoms in my body, I can start working to get them out. If you wait too long, it’s harder to get out ahead of it.

Fourth, growing your own food and medicines is a wonderful way to build your health! If you are interested in creating your own healing garden, even in the city, or learning how to cook and preserve food you’ve grown yourself, get our course and cookbook both together right here. 

Urban Homesteading Course
Grow your own grocery store!

Wishing you a lovely, healthy winter!

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Disclaimer: The Little Green Shoot is not a doctor, and does not even play one on TV. Please consult your medical professional for medical advice.

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